Legislative Watch
National Legislation Passed by the House on March 9, 2021, the PRO Act of 2021 was meant to expand various labor protections related to employees' rights to organize and collectively bargain in the workplace, which on its face didn't seem to affect the stenographic field. However, it did seek to re-classify independent contractors as employees using the "ABC" Test instituted in California. |
Local Legislation This bill, introduced by Representative Holvey, directed those agencies that administered certain state laws to use specific criteria to determine whether an individual was an employee or independent contractor and to cooperate in adopting rules to facilitate consistency in the application of the definition of independent contractor and provisions of the Act. This bill related to remote attestation and prescribed formalities for remote attestation of writing. At this time there is no provision for giving oaths as a Notary Public orally in the context of, for example, depositions, thus you must be an Oregon CSR to swear in a witness remotely. |